Library Media Center
Welcome to the OCS Virtual School Library Media Center!
Please use the links above to access the other Library Pages and explore all the resources and links. Please contact the OCS LMC staff with any questions or concerns you might have.
Destiny Discover Tutorials
Destiny Discover
Check out our collection of over 1300 eBooks
and Digital Audiobooks in Destiny Discover!
Find out how to log into Destiny Discover here:
Accessing Destiny Discover
Find and Check Out Follett eBooks
Students and parents
may review the
Policies and Procedures
for our Library Media Center here:
OCS Media Center Handbook 2024-25

How to Spot Fake News!
Digital Citizenship
Please visit our CyberSafety page for more helpful information.
If you have a suggestion for a book, ebook or audiobook, please email Mrs. Lindblad with your suggestions.
Oglethorpe Charter School
Library Media Center
Debbie Lindblad
Library Media Technology Specialist
(912) 395-1408